Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Synchrotron at POSTECH

Yes, it is Synchrotron not Megatron or Cybertron or anything from Transformers.


(Picture of a French University synchrotron)

The round building in the picture is a synchrotron and i was given a golden opportunity to visit a synchrotron, the one and only in Korea at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH). The Korean synchrotron is named Pohang Light Source (PLS). Basically this is a facility usually in the size of a football field or larger to create high frequency electromagnetic radiation. A synchrotron has to be round in shape so that the beams can run in a circular path under the pressure of magnetic fields to be accelerated close to the speed of light. There are only about 50 such facility in the world. The cost of building one is really high and the cost to maintain it in long tem is even higher. The designs of all synchrotrons are different but they are using the same principle. The Diamond Light Source in UK is one of the famous synchrotrons found.

This is Diamond Light Source, isn't it beautiful ?
So now, you should be wondering why do they want to produce light at the speed close to the speed of light... The ultra bright light produced will be channelled out to workstations where experiments can be carried out. The light can be used in super microscopes where scientists can view structure of tiny substances, like the protein structure.The fields of science that can be applied include biosciences, medical research, mineral exploration, environmental sciences, materials enginering and forensic sciences.

There's so much science behind this thing so it's impossible for me to tell them all here. This is a video explaining the working principle of synchrotron at PLS, it's a good video where it can help you understand more about it. Click here ---> VIDEO OF PLS SYNCHROTRON

Inside storage ring of PLS.

I have to wear this whenever i enter the storage ring, the red colour thing is a dosimeter for measurement of radioactive exposure.

Guest house for users of PLS. The guest house is very proper, it's a 3 room apartment with kitchen, living room and bedrooms.We put up a night at this apartment.

POSTEH is a town itself with buildings, apartments, shops, schools and traffic lights around.

Walking around the storage ring in the synchrotron.

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